Join the Market


What’s new?

Over the years we’ve received some very useful feedback from our loyal vendors and this year we are excited to finally offer some new and long-requested features to our market. Vendors can now enjoy:

  • A SOLID & DEDICATED market-only wifi network to accept card reader payments.

  • Focused print advertising in local newspapers prior to the festival to encourage more local foot traffic to the market.

  • HMF branded social media assets package for vendors to self-promote on social media leading up to the festival if they wish to.

  • Market coverage on the HMF social media feed leading up to the festival.

  • Market posters throughout the festival grounds to remind attendees to stop by and shop local!

General Info

  • The Farmer's Market takes place on both the Saturday and Sunday of the festival weekend. Vendors can choose to participate in one or both days:

    • Saturday, September 14: 11am - 5pm

    • Sunday, September 15: 10am - 5 pm

  • The market is held on 10th Street in front of the Harvest Moon Learning Centre (a.k.a. the school).

    Each paid vendor is given a roughly 10’ x 10’ stall to set up their booth.

  • Vendor fees as of 2024 are:

    • $40 for a single day (Sat OR Sun)

    • $70 for both days (Sat AND Sun)

    Fees must be paid in order to reserve your spot!

  • Please be aware that festival passes are not included as part of your vendor fee and must be purchased separately. If your application is accepted, details on how to purchase tickets will be provided to you.

  • Applications are reviewed by market coordinators to ensure they meet vendor criteria (listed below) and are confirmed a space at the market on a first-come, first- serve basis, once fees have been paid. Applicants will be notified via email once their application is accepted.

Market criteria & policies

The Harvest Moon Festival Farmer’s Market aims to provide an opportunity for shoppers to purchase local, sustainable, fair trade products wherever possible and we do our best to feature a variety of vendors that fit these themes. If your products fall under any of these categories we encourage you to participate!

We also want people of all gender identities, abilities, cultures, and sexualities to feel welcome at our festival, therefore we don’t tolerate any form of discrimination.


Thank you for working together to follow our vendor policies and for your commitment to making Harvest Moon Festival a fun and safer space for all!

All vendors at Harvest Moon Festival markets are required to adhere to the following protocols. In accordance with Harvest Moon Festival’s Safer Spaces Policy, the following will not be tolerated within any vendor’s advertising, merchandise, decor, and / or other materials:

●  Sexism

●  Racism

●  White Supremacy

●  Homophobia

●  Xenophobia

●  Transphobia

●  Cultural Appropriation

  • i.e. The use of or selling of another culture’s spiritual or cultural symbols, traditions, etc. Examples: Headdresses, “Indian tapestries”, Mandalas, Henna, Eagle feathers, Bindis, posters of gods or goddesses from another culture, etc.

●  Classism

●  Ableism

●  Fatphobia

●  Colonialism

We want people of all gender identities, abilities, cultures, and sexualities to feel welcome at our festival, therefore any form of discrimination will not be tolerated. Harvest Moon reserves the right to address violations of this policy as necessary. This may include asking vendors to leave the festival. Thank you for complying with our vendor policies and for your commitment to making Harvest Moon Festival a fun and safer space for all!

